Al Davis
Davis was one of the original founders of the NFL and has been with the Oakland Raiders forever. He owns the Raiders. For the last ten years, the soccer jerseys Oakland organization has been dedicated to refurbishing rather than rebuilding. For the Raiders to break out of their doldrums, Davis must move out or at least keep his hands off the team.
Jerry Jones
Jones, of NFL jerseys
the Dallas Cowboys, is, like Davis, one of those hands-on owners like Davis, MLB’s George Steinbrenner, or NFL jerseysthe NBA’s Mark Cuban. The hands-on stuff works well for a while but eventually that owner energy fades, morphs or simply gets in the way. To put it simply, Jones as the owner of the Cowboys must become a silent partner or else the team will fail. Jerry, please shut up and stay out of NFL jerseys
the mix or sell the team.
Terrell Owens
Sorry, but despite his talent T.O. causes a whole lot of problems and distractions. His big mouth often gets him in trouble. Owens was a team player for a while and then lost that focus and energy. There are many fine receivers in this Ugg Boots
year’s NFL. Send T.O. packing and find two guys who will cost less, give you steady output and offer you much less trouble. Owner Jerry Jones, are you listening?
The Lions’ Organization
To call it an “organization” is a gross injustice. Gut the place. Burn it down. Wipe away its fallibilities. This is a franchise that is in need of major changes and has to figure out what it needs to do to ensure that priorities are clearly set and consciously met. If the owners can build this team from the outside-in, they will re-adjust their focus and succeed.
Brett Favre
Sorry, Brett, but your club, the New York Jets, needs to have a new, young quarterback at the forefront. The fact is that every time Brett Favre cringes at the upcoming hit from a lineman or backer, he loses precious time Cheap Ugg Boots that may allow me to smoke his opponents. Brett, you are old and battered. Accept it and move on. You were one of the greats.
There’s my NFL Five who should be none. Who would you kick over the goal posts and out of the stadium?