
compositions used the same literary convention, “a five point outline,” consisting of (1) creation: man, (2) first threat, (3) second thre

. He holds that "the primary theme of Atrahasis is the development and then the maintenance of the boundary between the gods and humans" (1981:200). According to him, the key to the interpretation of the “Atra-Hasis Epic” is in the human activity, indicated by the “noise” and the “tumult” that “rob Enlil of sleep and prompt him to command the plague, droughts, and then the flood.” The “crime” was that ofscheming humans noisily planning ways to alter the divinely established order so that their status might become something more than workers for the gods (1981: 204).7Oden therefore holds that the Tower of Babel tale (Gn 11:1–9), in which human aspirations to divine status are so transparent, seems to be “the visual equivalent of the auditory assault of Atrahasis” (1981: 210–11).Whether overpopulation or the guilt of man brought the Flood is still a lively issue in interpreting the epic, as Moran recently pointed out (1987). The similarities between the Genesis account and the “Atra-Hasis Epic” do not support the idea that Genesis is a direct borrowing from the Mesopotamian but do indicate that Mesopotamian materials could have served as models for Genesis 1–11, as Jacobsen holds (1994:141). P.D. Miller also admits that "there were Mesopotamian models that anticipate the structure of Genesis 1–11 as a whole" (1994:150).K.A. Kitchen notes a similar outline, namely “creation-flood-later times,” and a common theme, namely “creation, crisis, continuance of man,” of the “primeval proto-history” in the “Atra-Hasis Epic,” the Sumerian Flood story, and the Sumerian King List, as well as in the Genesis account. He recognizes here a common literary heritage, formulated in each case in Mesopotamia in the early 2nd millennium BC (1977: 31). However, there are also many differences between the Mesopotamian traditions and the Genesis account, in addition to the basic concepts of divine-human relationship. According to Jacobsen, the P source of Genesis has a rather pessimistic view of existence, introducing moral judgment on man’s sinfulness, while the “Eridu Genesis” holds “an affirmative and optimistic view” (1994:142). Whether the Genesis viewpoint is pessimistic or not, however, depends on the way scholars treat Genesis 1–11 as a literary whole, a subject to which I will return later.Jacobsen takes the “Eridu Genesis,” as well as the Biblical account (P), neither as a history nor as a myth; he assigns them to a “mytho-historical” genre, since they both have a chronological arrangement along a line of time, with a chain of cause and effect, and show interest in numbers and chronology (1994: 140–141). Miller is supportive of Jacobsen’s view, since the “Eridu Genesis” and “the full shape of Genesis 1–11” (not just the P account) share both “substantial content with typical myths of the ancient Near East” and “features that remind one more of historical chronicles (1994: 148).

Before discussing the theme of primeval protohistory,
I should like to turn our attention to the other literary aspect, namely the structure of Genesis 1–11 as a whole.Literary Structure. Not only does comparative evidence point to the adequacy of treating both the Creation and the Flood together as a unified literary work, but the recent emphasis on the holistic approach8 to “the text in its final form”9 or “the text as it stands” (Oden 1981: 211) leads us to investigate the literary theme and structure of Genesis 1–11 as a whole. Before one seeks the theme of Genesis 1–11, one must decide its structure. For this, the toledot*-formula of Genesis is indicative of the narrative structure in the mind of the author/editor. Thompson’s recent study of the toledot-structure of Genesis is in this regard very important, though his view of a sharp break between Genesis 1–4 and Genesis 5ff. (“The Book of the Toledoth of Adam”) is rather overemphasized (1987: chap. 3). Thompson’s view was most recently challenged by Hess, who argued that “the literary form of Genesis 1–2 is intended to parallel the genealogical doublets of chaps. 4–5 and 10–11” (1990: 150, n. 23).The major problem in deciding the theme and structure of Genesis 1–11 is determining the precise terminus of the “primeval history.” The following suggestions have been made.Creation ­> Flood (1:1–9:29). In the light of the literary structure of “Creation-Rebellion-Flood” in the “Atra-Hasis Epic,” some scholars have suggested that the primeval history in Genesis stretches from the creation story through the end of the Flood story, namely Genesis 1–9, rather than Genesis 1–11.10 Since the end of chap. 9 follows up the description of Noah in 5:31 and completes the full description of him in the same manner that the other nine patriarchs are described in chap. 5, it is likely that the Flood story in chaps. 6–9 is meant to be a part of a larger literary unit that begins at 5:1, that is, “The Book of the Toledot of Adam.” The Flood story is, so to speak, a detailed description of Noah and his life inserted into the framework of the genealogy of Genesis 5.11Creation ­> Babel (1:1–11:9). J.M. Sasson recently explained the Tower of Babel story as “a clue to the redactional structuring” of Genesis 1–11. According to him, Genesis 1:1–11:9 is divided into two parts, “from Creation to Noah (10 generations)” and “from the Flood to Abram (10 generations)”; just as the Nephilim story (6:1–8) serves as a concluding remark for the first part, the Babel story (11:1–9) comes at the end of the second part (1994: 456). This division at the end of 6:8 accords with the Biblical toledot-structure; up to that verse the section is “The Book of the Toledot of Adam,” while the section after 6:9 is “The Toledot of Noah.” Coats also thinks that the primeval saga ends with the tale about the tower, since the tale “binds off the series of narratives about the people of the world” (1983: 36). For a different reason, Oden also considers the conclusion of the primeval history to be Genesis 11:1–9, where “human aspirations to divine status are so transparent” (1981: 211).However, the end of the second part, 11:9, does not accord with the end of “The Toledot of Noah” (9:29), though 6:8 does accord with the end of “The Toledot of Adam.” Also, in Sasson’s scheme, the reason for placing Abram in the tenth generation is not clearly demonstrated, since his structure lacks both the genealogical list (11:10–26) and the toledot of Terah (11:27ff.), which refer to Abram himself. Before these sections Abram’s name does not even appear.Creation ­> Terah (1:1–11:26).12 Some recognize the “Creation-list Flood-list” pattern in Genesis 1–11 and note that just as Noah is the tenth generation from AdRosetta Stone Chinese

Accepted location of Syria as the site of the rebellion is in stark contrast to the opinion of Vandersleyen, who states that “the first campaign

encountered a Mitannian spy during the concluding phase of A1, making Aharoni’s conclusion quite believable. When Amenhotep II was passing through the Sharon Plain, a messenger of the King of Mitanni, called the “Prince of Naharin” here, was captured by the Egyptians. This messenger was carrying with him a letter in the form of a clay tablet that hung from his neck like a necklace, which undoubtedly dealt with matters that concerned the Mitanni-inspired rebellion (Ibid.). All of this demonstrates the great importance of this vassal-rebellion, both to Egypt and to Mitanni, as Mitanni was seeking to usurp Egypt’s stranglehold on the prestigious position of the ANE’s dominant super-power. In contrast to all of this international intrigue revolving around A1, A2 was far less significant on an international level and far less illustrious, as will be seen momentarily. 109. Aharoni and Avi-Yonah, The Macmillan Atlas, 34. 110. Grimal, History of Ancient Egypt, 219. 111. Pritchard, ANET, 246. 112. Examples of campaigns launched in spring are plentiful: (1) Thutmose III’s first Asiatic campaign, as he arrived at his first destination (the border fortress of Tjel) on ca. 20 April 1484 BC; (2) Amenhotep II’s first Asiatic campaign, as he arrived at his first destination (Shamash-Edom) on ca. 15 May 1452 BC; (3) Raamses II and his battalions of infantry and squads of chariotry, who departed for Kadesh in late April of ca. 1274 BC (Kenneth A. Kitchen, Pharaoh Triumphant: The Life and Times of Ramesses II [Warminster, Eng.: Aris & Phillips, 1982], 53); (4) Nabopolassar’s expedition against mountain tribes in the month of Sivan, or ca. May/June of 607 BC (D. J. Wiseman, Chronicles of the Chaldean Kings [London: Trustees of the British Museum, 1961], 65); and (5) Nebuchadnezzar’s expedition to Syria in Sivan of the first full year of his reign, or ca. 604 BC (Ibid., 28, 69). 113. Der Manuelian, Amenophis II, 59. As proven above, “seventh year” should be corrected to “third year.” 114. Vandersleyen, L’Egypte, vol. 2, 321. 115. Ibid., 324–325. 116. Redford, Egypt, Canaan, and Israel, 163. 117. Ibid., 164. 118. Ibid. 119. Ibid., 165. 120. Ibid., 164. 121. John MacArthur, The MacArthur Study Bible (Nashville: Word, 1997), 198. 122. Redford, Egypt, Canaan, and Israel, 408. 123. A notable exception to this trend is the Hyksos, the western Asiatics who overtook Egypt and controlled her commerce. The Royal Turin Canon, a papyrus that derives from Ramesside times and reflects a kinglist that was begun during the Middle Kingdom, fixes a 108-year rule (ca. 1668 to 1560 BC) for the Hyksos (Ibid., 107), who were driven out by the native Egyptians of the 17th Dynasty. Yet such documentation about the Hyksos is warranted, as they played a prominent role in Egyptian history, having produced pharaohs who ruled in place of the native Egyptians. Moreover, when Moses wrote that the Egyptians feared the possibility that the Hebrews “will multiply, and in the event of war, they will also join themselves to those who hate us, and fight against us and depart from the land” (Exod 1:10), he probably was referring to the Hyksos, who just beforehand had retreated to southern Canaan after their expulsion. 124. Kitchen, Reliability of the OT, 11. The Biblical text to which Kitchen alludes is 2 Chr 14:9–15. 125. Aharoni and Avi-Yonah, The Macmillan Atlas, 34. 126. Hallo and Simpson, Ancient Near East, 262. 127. Grimal, History of Ancient Egypt, 218. 128. Breasted, Ancient Records, vol. 2, 310. 129. Redford, Egypt, Canaan, and Israel, 408. 130. Hoffmeier, “Memphis and Karnak Stelae,” in Context of Scripture, vol. 2, 22; Pritchard, ANET, 247. 131. Pritchard laments, “Even though two of the figures give questionable readings, no clear alternatives will supply the total given on the stele” (Pritchard, ANET, 247). Although Pritchard does not elaborate, the “questionable readings” most likely are the 36,300 Kharu and the 30,652 family members of the Nagasuites/Neges. But since this part of the stele shows no sign of damage or repair, there is no reason to doubt these numbers. 132. “The total given, 89,600, is actually wrong, the correct total being 101,128!” (Hoffmeier, “Memphis and Karnak Stelae,” in Context of Scripture, vol. 2, 22). 133. Ibid., 21; Pritchard, ANET, 239, 246; Hoffmeier, “The Annals of Thutmose III,” in Context of Scripture, vol. 2, 12. These are the only campaigns of Thutmose III that list the amount of captives taken. 134. As Shea notes, “While some have questioned the very high number given here, if one looks at the needs for state labor right after the exodus, the number does not look so high after all” (Shea, “Amenhotep II as Pharaoh,” 47). 135. Ibid.; Hoffmeier, “Memphis and Karnak Stelae,” in Context of Scripture, vol. 2, 22. The Prince of Shanhar, or Biblical Shinar, is to be equated with the King of Babylon (Pritchard, ANET, 247). 136. Hoffmeier, “Memphis and Karnak Stelae,” in Context of Scripture, vol. 2, 22. 137. Barry J. Beitzel, “Habiru,” in ISBE, vol. 2, 588, 589. 138. Hoffmeier, “Memphis and Karnak Stelae,” in Context of Scripture, vol. 2, 22. SA.GAZ, the Sumerian logographic equivalent of Habiru, and its variants are found in cuneiform texts from ca. 2500 BC to the 11th century BC. In light of this early attestation, many are unwilling to associate the Apiru of the 15th century BC with the Hebrews. However, Abram was known as a Hebrew in the 21st century BC (Gen 14:13), so the solution to the dilemma is that the two non-guttural consonants found in the triconsonantal root of ‘bri, the exact consonants that appear in Akkadian and Ugaritic (br, possibly meaning “cross over, go beyond”), are also found in “Eber” (Gen 10:21), the ancestor of Abram from whom the word undoubtedly derives. Thus Abram is one of numerous Eberite peoples, all of whom are known as Habiru due to their retention of Eber’s ancient namesake (R. F. Youngblood, “Amarna Tablets,” in ISBE, vol. 1 [Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1979], 108; Barry J. Beitzel, “Hebrew (People),” in ISBE, vol. 2, 657). 139. Hoffmeier, “Memphis and Karnak Stelae,” in Context of Scripture, vol. 2, 22. 140. Pritchard, ANET, 247. 141. Bryant G. Wood, “One Thousand Years Missing from Biblical History? A Review of a New Theory,” Bible and Spade 6:4 (Aut 1993), 98. 142. Grimal, History of Ancient Egypt, 219. 143. Aharoni and Avi-Yonah, The Macmillan Atlas, 34. 144. Hoffmeier, Israel in Egypt, 124. 145. Hoffmeier, “Memphis and Karnak Stelae,” in Context of Scripture, vol. 2, 22. 146. Yigael Yadin, Hazor: The Head of all those Kingdoms, The 1970 Schweich Lectures of the British Academy (London: Oxford University Press, 1972), 7–8. 147. Ibid., 8. 148. Amarna Letters, ed. and trans. Moran, 290, with modifications according to Yadin, Hazor: The Head, 8. 149. Ibid., 235, with modifications according to Yadin, Hazor: The Head, 8. 150. For a fuller treatment of the destructions of Hazor described in Joshua

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Researching Ai

Tags: ai, joshua, maqatir, jericho, bethel, beth aven, beitin--> This article was first published in the Summer 2009 issue of Bible and Spade.After the Israelites defeated Jericho in the southern Jordan Valley, they then attacked the fortress of Ai in the highlands (Jos 7–8). Both of these sites have produced archaeological findings that have seemed to be in conflict with the Bible. Scholars have been quick to point out that these discrepancies lead to the conclusion that there was no Conquest as described in the book of Joshua. But is the problem with the Bible or with the interpretations of the archaeologists?After reviewing the archaeological findings at both Jericho and Ai, I believe the problem is faulty interpretation of the archaeological evidence, not the biblical record. As I have discussed in several articles, the difficulty with Jericho is that Kathleen Kenyon was wrong in her dating of the destruction level. With regard to Ai, the dilemma arises from the fact that the site has been incorrectly located. For an in-depth review of the misguided research on the location of Ai, see my recent article in Critical Issues in Early Israelite History (2008).Scholars had come to the conclusion, largely through the influence of W.F. Albright (1924), that Joshua’s Ai should be located at et-Tell, about 9 mi (15 km) north of Jerusalem. Et-Tell, however, does not meet the biblical requirements for Ai, the most obvious disagreement being that there was no occupation at the time of the Conquest. Et-Tell cannot be Joshua’s Ai for the following reasons: 1. There was no occupation at the time of the Conquest.2.There is no candidate for Beth-aven in the vicinity (Jos 7:2). 3. It lacks a shallow valley on the north side where Joshua and the diversionary force could have camped (Jos 8:13–14).4.And, at 27 acres in size,it is much larger than Gibeon when it should be smaller (Jos 10:2).David Livingston founded ABR in 1969 to investigate this problem. In 1979 he launched the excavation of Kh. Nisya, 2.4 mi (3.8 km) southwest of et-Tell, which he believed to be a promising candidate for Joshua’s Ai (2003). In 1985, a year before becoming a staff member of ABR, I participated in the excavation of Kh. Nisya. I was also part of the dig teams of 1987, 1990, 1991, 1993 and 1994. In 1995 I initiated work at Kh. el-Maqatir, which I considered to be a more likely candidate for Joshua’s Ai. It is located 0.6 mi (1 km) west of et-Tell and 1.7 mi (2.8 km) northeast of Kh. Nisya.I “discovered” Kh. el-Maqatir while perusing a report on an Israeli survey in the area where Ai should be located. Pottery published from one of the sites, an unnamed site numbered 85, appeared possibly to be from the Late Bronze I period (ca. 1500–1400 BC), the time of the Conquest (Finkelstein and Magen 1993: 82). Site 85 was described as “Piles of stones cleared from fields; some walls protruding from them” (Finkelstein and Magen 1993: 22*). Adjacent to it, 55 yd (50 m) to the east was site 84, identified as a “Small ruin; traces of buildings; cisterns”
(Finkelstein and Magen 1993: 22*) named Kh. el-Mukatir or Kh. el-Maqatir
(Finkelstein and Magen 1993: 81). The geography of Kh. el-Maqatir, which meets the geographical requirements for Joshua’s Ai: near Beth-aven (=Beitin, Jos 7:2), east of Bethel (=El Bireh, Jos 7:2), Wadi Sheban is a good candidate for the ambush site between Bethel and Ai (Jos 8:9, 12), Jebel Abu Ammar north of Kh. el-Maqatir is the highest hill in the region and could have been the command center of the main army (Jos 8:1), Wadi el-Gayeh would be the shallow valley north of Ai where Joshua spent the night (Jos 8:13–14), and Kh. el-Maqatir is near Bethel (Jos 12:9).Subsequent investigation by ABR has revealed that site 84 is a Hasmonean fortress (second–first centuries BC), while site 85 is the west half of an earlier fortress dating to the time of Joshua. In collaboration with the Israel Antiquities Authority, we settled upon Kh. el-Maqatir as the official name of the site. In seven seasons of excavation, 1995–2000 and 2009, we have uncovered evidence that indicates the earlier fortress meets the archaeological requirements for Joshua’s Ai.When we conducted test probes at Kh. el-Maqatir in 1995, just to the east of the “piles of stones” reported in the Israeli survey, we discovered a gate socket stone on the surface and could see the outline of the west half of a gate belonging to the earlier fortress. Excavations since 1995 have clarified the piles of stones. A north-south line immediately to the west of the gate turned out to be covering the west wall of the Hasmonean fortress, a massive 16 ft (5 m) wide. Extending west from the Hasmonean wall is an east-west line of stones from the north wall of the earlier fortress, some 13 ft (4 m) in width. During the 2009 season we exposed the best-preserved-to-date segment of the early fortress wall, unmarked by a pile of stones, on the west side of the site, 12 ft (3.7 m) wide at its base and 4 ft (1.2 m) high. In addition to the outer walls of the fortress, we are slowly recovering the plan of a building complex just inside the gate, perhaps the administrative center of the fortress.Aerial view of the gate and north wall of the early fortress at Kh. el-Maqatir, looking east. The “piles of stones” reported in the Israeli survey of the site are seen covering the west wall of the Hasmonean fortress (center) and the north wall of the earlier fortress believed to date to the time of Joshua (lower right). Just to the east of the Hasmonean wall is the west chamber of the earlier fortress (center right). At the top of the photo can be seen unexcavated ruins of interior buildings of the Hasmonean fortress.BibliographyAlbright, William F.1924 Ai and Beth-Aven. Pp. 141–49 in Excavations and Results at Tell el-Fûl (Gibeah of Saul). The Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 4, for 1922-1923, ed. Benjamin W. Bacon. New Haven CT: American Schools of Oriental Research.Finkelstein, Israel, and Magen, Yitzhak, eds.1993 Archaeological Survey of the Hill Country of Benjamin. Jerusalem: Antiquities Authority.Livingston, David P.2003 Khirbet Nisya: The Search for Biblical Ai 1979–2002. Manheim, PA: Associates for Biblical Research.Wood, Bryant G.2008 The Search for Joshua’s Ai. Pp. 205–40 in Critical Issues in Early Israelite History, ed. Richard S. Hess, Gerald A. Klingbeil, and Paul J. Ray Jr. Winona Lake IN: Eisenbrauns.See Dr. Wood explain the evidence pertaining to Joshua's Ai in this educational video: Finding the Lost City of Ai: Joshua 7-8 Bryant G. Wood, ABR Director of Research, is principal archaeologist and director of ABR’s excavation at Khirbet el-Maqatir. He has a MS in Nuclear Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, a MA in Biblical History from the University of Michigan, and a PhD in Syro-Palestinian Archaeology from the University of Toronto.Join ABR in Israel in our Search for Joshua's Ai in 2011!

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24 Jan 11 Stanford-Oregon: College Football Lines Show Ducks the Favorites

Jonathan Daniel/Getty ImagesThe No. 9 Stanford Cardinal will face off against the No. 4 Oregon Ducks on Saturday, October 2, 2010 at 8 pm ET, at Autzen Stadium in Eugene, Oregon.Both teams are 4-0 and are coming off big wins in Week 4 as they head into a game that could decide who will lead the Pac-10 by the conclusion of this weekend.The latest college football odds show the Ducks as -7 favorites over the Cardinal with a total of 65.5 points.The biggest question surrounding the Cardinal (4-0) coming into the 2010 season was whether or not it Baltimore Ravens jersey
could be a contender for the Pac-10 title without standout running back Toby Gerhart. The answer is yes.Meanwhile, the offseason tribulations surrounding the Oregon Ducks (4-0) camp had many doubting Oregonchances of repeating as Pac-10 champions. They are, of course, without heralded quarterback Jeremiah Masoli, who is now plying his trade at Ole Miss after being kicked off the team before the start of the 2010 season.In last yearmeeting between these two teams, Oregon was coming off a big win over the USC Trojans but suffered its first conference loss of the season at Stanford, 51-42.It would be easy to get caught up in thinking that the Ducks will roll over Stanford when you look at the way they have outscored their opponents thus far, 231-44. In reality, both the offense and the defense have not really lived up to all the preseason hype, the latter of the two showing in last weekgame at ASU, where the Ducks gave up plenty of yards: 597, Arizona Statemost since 2000.While the Ducks have struggled against the run this year, Buffalo Bills jersey
their pass rush has been solid.With that being said, the run game of Stanford could give the Ducks defensive line serious problems all day. The Cardinal will likely set up in a big formation with a pair of tight ends and run it right at Oregon from the get-go.Stanford will also bring its 12th overall defense to Autzen, which is limiting its opponents to just 13 points per game. Now they will face the triple threat of Darron Thomas, LaMichael James, and Kenjon Barner. There arenmany teams that match up well with the Ducks' speedy rushing attack, and the Cardinal defenders will need to be on their toes.Where the rubber meets the highway is the passing attack, and it here that Stanford truly has the advantage with QB Andrew Luck.Mind you, Oregon has been getting solid play from their pass defenders, but they are about to see a quarterback unlike any they have seen all year. He is aided by a solid receiving corps with Doug Baldwin, Chris Owusu, and Ryan Whalen. All three have the potential to make big catches and stretch the secondary.The key to Lucksuccess will be the success of the run game. If Stanford can get the running game going, Luck will be able to go to play action and take his shots downfield.MattFree Football Picks: Stanford+7Oregon will have the advantage of playing at home, but that wonbe enough to capsize a Stanford ship that is driven by Luck and his supporting cast.If you are looking to beat the college football odds this season, be sure to make your way back for our expert college football picks each week from the best handicappers in the business.

24 Jan 11 Stanford-Oregon: College Football Lines Show Ducks the Favorites

Jonathan Daniel/Getty ImagesThe No. 9 Stanford Cardinal will face off against the No. 4 Oregon Ducks on Saturday, October 2, 2010 at 8 pm ET, at Autzen Stadium in Eugene, Oregon.Both teams are 4-0 and are coming off big wins in Week 4 as they head into a game that could decide who will lead the Pac-10 by the conclusion of this weekend.The latest college football odds show the Ducks as -7 favorites over the Cardinal with a total of 65.5 points.The biggest question surrounding the Cardinal (4-0) coming into the 2010 season was whether or not it Baltimore Ravens jersey
could be a contender for the Pac-10 title without standout running back Toby Gerhart. The answer is yes.Meanwhile, the offseason tribulations surrounding the Oregon Ducks (4-0) camp had many doubting Oregonchances of repeating as Pac-10 champions. They are, of course, without heralded quarterback Jeremiah Masoli, who is now plying his trade at Ole Miss after being kicked off the team before the start of the 2010 season.In last yearmeeting between these two teams, Oregon was coming off a big win over the USC Trojans but suffered its first conference loss of the season at Stanford, 51-42.It would be easy to get caught up in thinking that the Ducks will roll over Stanford when you look at the way they have outscored their opponents thus far, 231-44. In reality, both the offense and the defense have not really lived up to all the preseason hype, the latter of the two showing in last weekgame at ASU, where the Ducks gave up plenty of yards: 597, Arizona Statemost since 2000.While the Ducks have struggled against the run this year, Buffalo Bills jersey
their pass rush has been solid.With that being said, the run game of Stanford could give the Ducks defensive line serious problems all day. The Cardinal will likely set up in a big formation with a pair of tight ends and run it right at Oregon from the get-go.Stanford will also bring its 12th overall defense to Autzen, which is limiting its opponents to just 13 points per game. Now they will face the triple threat of Darron Thomas, LaMichael James, and Kenjon Barner. There arenmany teams that match up well with the Ducks' speedy rushing attack, and the Cardinal defenders will need to be on their toes.Where the rubber meets the highway is the passing attack, and it here that Stanford truly has the advantage with QB Andrew Luck.Mind you, Oregon has been getting solid play from their pass defenders, but they are about to see a quarterback unlike any they have seen all year. He is aided by a solid receiving corps with Doug Baldwin, Chris Owusu, and Ryan Whalen. All three have the potential to make big catches and stretch the secondary.The key to Lucksuccess will be the success of the run game. If Stanford can get the running game going, Luck will be able to go to play action and take his shots downfield.MattFree Football Picks: Stanford+7Oregon will have the advantage of playing at home, but that wonbe enough to capsize a Stanford ship that is driven by Luck and his supporting cast.If you are looking to beat the college football odds this season, be sure to make your way back for our expert college football picks each week from the best handicappers in the business.


22 Jan 11 Michigan Football: 'Shoelace' Has Left His Prints on First Three Games

Denard puts up over 380 total yards in win over UconnGregory Shamus/Getty Images The start of the 2010 Michigan football season has been nothing short of spectacular. The Wolverines have started off to impressive victories over Uconn and Notre Dame. It is not only the 3-0 start that has Michigan fans excited Reebok Denver Broncos #15 Tim Tebow Realtree camo Jersey
about this season, but the way they won those games and who they defeated.Of course, there is a player that deserves much of the accreditation, Denard Robinson. To say he has been good is an understatement.Robinson has not only broken records at Michigan, but he has shattered them. With a total 383 combined yards in the victory over Uconn, he stunned the record attending crowd. He has rushed for nearly 200 yards, but that wasneven his most impressive statistic.Robinson was 19-of-22 in passing, which arm accuracy was his biggest issue coming into the season.I, myself, and many others thought that he had improved, but the Uconn showing was nearly a career game that would never happen again, we were wrong.Robinson put up 502 total yards against rival Notre Dame, which made everyone a believer in Shoelace. He has been so good the first two games that his third game (345 total yards) didneven create that much buzz. The QB's performance against Umass was the 10th best single player performance in Michigan history.Robinson has had three 345 plus yard games not just in the first three games, but his first three starts. I know he will face many tougher defenses and they will start to key in on him, but so far that has not happened; and no team has even challenged him.Many people throughout the country say that Robinson has been the whole offense and a one man show. Of course he has carried the offense, but he has been so successful that giving anyone else the ball wouldnmake sense.We saw in the Umass game that when the defense locks in on Reebok Green Bay Packers #12 Aaron Rodgers Realtree camo Jersey
Shoelace it opens holes for the other players, especially running backs. Shaw has over 100 yards rushing including the touchdown run that sealed the victory.Stonum and Roundtree have also looked very impressive. Robinson has shown a surprisingly strong arm in his first three starts, which is what impresses me the most.The defense has come up when it matters, especially in big plays. For example, the forced fumble by Floyd when the Huskies were threatening to score inside Michigan10-yard line.Now although the Wolverines are 3-0 and have been lead by a strong Heisman candidate, they still have shown some concerns.The defense has been inconsistent and seems to make it a habit of letting 10-yard runs turn into 25-yard gains. They let up a disappointing 37 points to a D 1-AA team, and the secondary has been terrible.The biggest improvement has been the amount of turnovers they have created, but they still need to consistently make teams go three and out. The front line has been the most impressive, but they still need to improve on getting to the quarterback.The secondary has blown many coverages, but has created some interceptions that have made a difference in scoring.The special teams has definitely shown that they are the teambiggest weakness. Gibbons has been plain bad, and the returners are very inexperienced, or at least they have been playing inexperienced. Special teams should be the easiest team to fix, but we need to see some changes happen.Before anyone says that Michigan is back, flashback to last year4-0 start and look at what happened.I really feel that this years team is much better from last years. They have a much better quarterback in Robinson, the defense has created more turnovers, they have arguably beaten stronger opponents and the offense looks like Rich Rodoffense at Reebok Green Bay Packers #52 Clay Matthews Realtree camo Jersey
West Virginia.If the offensive motors continue and Robinson keeps putting up these types of numbers, then Michigan should be looking at at least a 5-0 if not 6-0 start to the 2010 season.It is too early to tell how good this team will be, since their harder part of the schedule is their second half. We can only judge them from their first three games, and in those games


18 Jan 11 UNC Football Suspensions: Burney and Williams To Repay Benefits, Miss Games

Williams (27) and Burney (16) have been suspended for additional games and ordered to repay a portion of their received benefits.Streeter Lecka/Getty ImagesNorth Carolina cornerback Kendric Burney and safety Deunta Williams have finally had their fate determined by the NCAA after weeks of deafening silence, as both Dallas Cowboys jersey
players will be forced to repay benefits received and sit additional games, pending an appeal by the UNC athletics department.Burney, a senior with nine career interceptions, will have to repay $575.19 to a charity of his choice after the NCAA revealed he had accepted $1,333 in benefits from an individual who falls under the classification of "agent."His six-game suspension is already two games deep, and will be appealed to the NCAA, according to UNC athletics director Dick Baddour.Williams, a fellow senior with 12 career picks, will have to repay $450.67 of the $1,426 he received, also to a charity of his choice. He has been suspended an additional two games on top of the two already missed, the length of which will also be appealed by UNC.Burney's benefits included trips to Atlanta, Las Vegas, and California, the purpose of which have not been explicitly specified.The name of the "agent" who paid for Burney's trips has not been released, but conventional wisdom says it was the same Chris Hawkins who has been involved in Georgia wide receiver A.J. Green's Denver Broncos jersey
jersey-selling scandal.Williams had two trips to California payed for him by a former North Carolina football player. It is believed that these trips were made in connection for a training camp attended by football players of various levels, while rumors hold that Seattle Seahawks defensive end Kentwan Balmer was the former Tar Heel who paid for the trips.Both of these players will be unable to play while the appeal process is going on. Given the slow-footedness of the NCAA regarding, well, everything they do, it would be safe to assume that both players will be absent for Detroit Lions
Saturday's contest against Rutgers in beautiful Piscataway, NJ.The reaction in Tar Heel nation is bittersweet: Bitter in that it is now fact that some players were involved in improper actions, but sweet in that official news has finally started to trickle out.The jury is still out regarding nearly a dozen other Tar Heels, on both academic and benefit-receiving allegations, as the season that was supposed to change the nation's view on UNC football continues on its path towards infamy.


15 Jan 11 St. Louis Rams "Post Shutout?" Commentary

Victory, decisive and unrelenting, was garnered by the Rams Sunday. So dominant was their win, the Rams allowed nary a single point to be posted by their opponents. Rams fans across the nation can rejoice in the exaltation of glorious victory before reading the recaps and realizing:It was only the Raiders. Raider Nation members who were able to post bond in time for kickoff were treated to a war between two teams that were desperate not only for a win, but for anything positive with which to build upon for next season.The classic confrontation for who's less inept was Dallas Cowboys jersey
waged on Sunday in the home of all things silver and black. As it turns out, the Rams were the team that was able to avoid losing and pulled out a quasi-decisive 20-0 victory over an even more hapless foe.Marc Bulger observed, "Around halftime, we figured out they were struggling on offense." Thus, with an insurmountable 6-0 lead at the half, the Rams began running the clock out with the tandem rushing attack of Steven Jackson and Matt Turk.OK, so Turk is the punter, but this detail just goes to show that on a day where even the Rams special teams can get away with big plays, St. Louis could do very little wrong. The Rams' defense was stout for a change, holding Justin Fargas to a mere 43 yards rushing and harassing the Oakland quarterbacks all day. The Rams flashed the turnover-happy, defensive dominance unseen since opening day against the Broncos. However, in reality, they shouldn't think they've even begun to fix their broken defense, because:It was only the Raiders.In all fairness, the Raiders aren't actually that bad: They lost a closely contested battle with the Chargers, nearly beat the Broncos and Chiefs, and lost to the Texans at home...OK, maybe they are that bad.The only thing Steven Jackson truly had to fear Sunday afternoon was nearly being showered in yellowish-brown liquid by Black Hole Denver Broncos jersey
members who flung cups of, one hopes was only beer, at the running back after each of his touchdown runs.Even with an injury-riddled O-line that featured only a single man playing in his starting spot, the Rams' offense played well. Bulger absorbed a few too many sacks, but they were more often than not a result of his holding the ball too long. The line opened up holes for Jackson and St. Louis protected the ball all afternoon. However, the Rams' offense was guilty of far too many penalties (I can't recall, but I believe Alex Barron was flagged for a false start walking to the huddle).For Detroit Lions
possibly the first time this year, the Rams played reasonably well in all three phases of the game. Players and fans alike can feel good about a St. Louis team that walked away with its first decisive victory of the season. Indeed, the Rams finally have a performance from which to build upon for the remainder of the year, as well as next season. However, let us not forget to temper those joyful feelings with a healthy dosage of reality, folks, because, after all:It was only the Raiders. (4)


14 Jan 11 Seattle Seahawks "It's about time Patrick Kerney came to play"

Patrick Kerney signed with the Seattle Seahawks in March. He finally showed up in November.The Seahawks gambled by giving the 30-year-old defensive end a monster six-year, $37.5 million deal on March 5, hailing him as the missing pass-rushing link in their defense -- a high-energy sack man who would bring a consistent rush to opposing quarterbacks. Kerney was billed as a healthier, higher-energy defensive end than the worn-down Grant Wistrom had been.The team was so confident Kerney would come back from a torn pectoral muscle to provide Cleveland Browns jersey
a steady rush that it gave him a $10 million signing bonus and let Wistrom go a few days later. But, for most of the first half of the season, you couldn't tell whether that was Kerney or Wistrom starting at end for the 'Hawks. Kerney made his presence known in the first game, recording 1.5 sacks and four quarterback hits as the Seahawks knocked Tampa Bay quarterback Jeff Garcia and running back Carnell Williams out of the game. But after that, Kerney disappeared. He had just two more sacks over the next seven games, and that $37.5 million sure looked as if it might turn into the same bad investment the team had made in Wistrom.But along came November, and back came Kerney. In the past three games alone, he has shown the relentless rush he was known for in Atlanta, where he had three years of double-digit sacks. Kerney has recorded seven sacks over the past three contests and now has 10.5 to rank second in the NFL behind Green Bay's Aaron Kampman (11).The last time Kerney had such an incredible sack run was in 2004, when he recorded seven in the first four games and went to the Pro Bowl after finishing with 13.During this stellar stretch of games, Kerney also has caused three fumbles -- two of which led to Seattle touchdowns -- and recorded an interception (his first since that 2004 season). He Dallas Cowboys jersey
has helped Seattle's defense surge to 11th overall, fourth in scoring (16.6) and second in sacks (35, three behind the New York Giants). Kerney's nonstop work ethic is a big reason he is able to increase his production so late in the season."Kerney is just one of those guys, over the course of a season, he just has a motor and he goes and he goes," coach Mike Holmgren told reporters. "Some guys are slowing down, and he's going."Kerney is the first Seattle defensive end to reach double digits in sacks since Michael Sinclair led the league with 16.5 in 1998. Wistrom was paid $21 million for 11.5 sacks in 41 games, and Kerney already has nearly reached that total in 11 games.The 6-foot-5, 272-pound Kerney credits his increase in big plays to an increase in his comfort with the Seahawks' defense."I've reached a point of Denver Broncos jersey
familiarity with the system where every play I know what (defensive coordinator) John Marshall is thinking when he makes a call," Kerney told reporters. "That certainly helps, but really just the play of all my teammates has helped me get the numbers I've had the past few weeks."And when it's all over, he could be thanking his teammates for getting him back to the Pro Bowl while the Seahawks are thanking him for giving them the big plays they had been missing from that position.


13 Jan 11 Your Parents Lied To You...You Should Be Scared Of The Thunder

Stephen Dunn/Getty ImagesRemember the first time you were in a thunderstorm and how terrified you heard the thunder crashing? Remember how your parents told you how it was just a noise and you shouldn't be scared? If you are playing the Oklahoma City Thunder, what your parents said was a lie. Thunder can, and will, hurt you.A few years ago I told everyone how I was scared of two teams, Portland and Atlanta. Not because how good they were at the time, but because I saw an abundant amount of talent. Now, both of those teams areReebok Minnesota Vikings #84 Randy Moss Realtree camo Jersey
solid playoff contenders (Portland would be better than its 23-16 record if not for suffering about a million injuries). I look at the Thunder this season and think the same thing.To say that they have a star in the making with Kevin Durant doesn do him justice. At the age of 21, Durant is one of the greatest pure-scorers of the game. Yea, a guy like LeBron is better overall, but Durant is an artist when it comes to putting up points. He is shooting .484 from the field this year, which is second amongst guards scoring at least 20 points per game. He might have an absolutely awful taste in shoes, but the NBA needs to get him in front of a national audience more often. As someone who doesn live in Oklahoma (which is a great thing 99.9 percent of the time), I don have the ability to see him much.Durant isn the only reason I see great potential for the Thunder. Guys like Russell Westbrook and Jeff Green have developed into very good compliments to Durant, and rookie James Harden is doing a great job contributing off of the bench. The scary thing about the guys that I just named is that they are all 23 years old or younger.Think about this, the Thunder only won 23 games all of last year; they have won 21 in just 37 games so far this season. They will surpass that total in a week or so and will finish the NBA season with the league most improved record. Going from 23 wins to a team that will probably make the playoffs is an achievement that shouldn be under-sold.Another critical factor is the improvements they have made on the defensive end. They are currently 7th in the NBA in defense, giving up 96.1 points per contest. Last season, opponents had no trouble putting up big numbers, and averaged over 103 points. For those of you who can do math, that is a seven point difference right there.If am Reebok Pittsburg Steelers #83 Heath Miller Realtree camo Jersey
the GM of the Thunder, my job is almost done. I have a young core of excellent guards that are progressing quicker than most thought. However, the Thunder still need somewhat of a low post presence if they want to be anything other then an annual playoff one-and-done. Right now, Oklahoma City is relying on guys like Nenad Kristic and Nick Collison, who aren averaging ten rebounds a game COMBINED.The current GM seems to share this thought with me because he traded for Tyson Chandler last season, which was a great move. Unfortunately, Chandler failed the physical because of his toe. Considering the physical is usually just a formality, this was a surprise for us all. It a shame though, because Chandler could be great working with that group of guards.In addition to that, the team needs a veteran guard to come off the bench to provide leadership and experience. Atlanta became my perfect example because they traded for Mike Bibby and now are serious contenders in the east. While nobody will say he is as good as he was in the early 2000 when his Sacramento Kings went head-to- head with the Lakers several years in a row, he provided leadership to a Hawk team that had tons of raw talent, but had trouble converting that into wins. The Thunder don need a starting point guard like Bibby because Russell Westbrook is playing great, but I still think that adding a vet will be a good idea.With teams eager to shed big contracts, adding these pieces shouldn be that difficult. The Thunder are under the salary cap and have three players who Arizona Cardinals jersey
have large contracts that expire at the end of the season. This is invaluable to teams trying to shed salaries because it means that all of the money on the contract comes off their cap number at the end of the year. The guys that could draw some interest because of this are Etan Thomas (7.9 million), Matt Harpring (6.5 million), and Earl Watson (3.4 million). None of these players are contributing much to the cause and should be traded if given anyone of value. Hell, Watson isn even on the team any more!Even if these moves aren made, you still have to keep an eye on this team. They might not be able to make much noise in the playoffs this year, but in a year or two, the Lakers better be watching their back.

12 Jan 11 Derrick Rose Makes Eastern Conference All-Star Team

Christian Petersen/Getty ImagesYahoo Sports is reporting that ChicagoBulls guard Derrick Rose has been named a reserve on the Eastern Conference All-Star team. The game will be played in the new Cowboys' Stadium in Dallas, TX on Feb. 14.On Wednesday, Rose was named to the Sophomore team in the Rookie Challenge; Taj Gibson will represent the Bulls on the Rookie squad.After beginning the season with injury issues, Rose has been dominant of late. The 2008-09 NBA Rookie of the Year is averaging 19.8 points, 5.9 assists and 3.8 Reebok Baltimore Ravens #27 Ray Rice Realtree camo Jersey
rebounds per game.According to Yahoo's report, Bulls center Joakim Noah will be left off the roster despite being among the league leaders in rebounds and blocked shots. The selection of Rose continues theelevation of the Simeon product into the league's elite point guards.For more Chicago sports coverage, check out Tab's blog on ChicagoNow: Daily Chicago Sports Tab!


10 Jan 11 Pivot Points: Lakers' Heart Can't Conceal Absence of Kobe Bryant

Harry How/Getty ImagesThe Los Angeles Lakers lost a game against the Boston Celtics on Thursday night that they very well could have won. During the continued absence of Kobe Bryant, this defeat should serve as lesson No. 1 for those who claim the team is better without him.Yes, it's true the Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers James Harrison Realtree camo Jersey
Lakers have performed above expectations since Bryant has been sidelined, blitzing opponents in each of the previous four games, but this game against a quality opponent clearly illustrates how valuable Bryant is to the defending champs.Please disregard L.A. point guard Derek Fisher's futile attempt at the buzzer, which by the way was a made-for-Bryant moment, because that's not even the most instructive aspect of this loss. Instead look to the other end of the floor for irrefutable proof of Bryant's importance to the Lakes title aspirations. Celtics guard Ray Allen's offensive performance begged to be met with the defensive tenacity that Bryant consistently brings to his position.Allen, who has visibly lost a step in recent years, seemed invigorated by Bryant's absence, scoring 24 points. No Laker in uniform was up to the task of defending him.Allen continuously exposed the Lakers and their attempts to adjust only opened up the floor for teammates. When Shannon Brown switched to Allen then Rajon Rondo carved up the porous perimeter defense. Without the Reebok San Francisco 49ers #21 Frank GORE Realtree camo Jersey
ability to stop the Celtics' guards at the top of the key or on the wings, the Lakers were victimized by repeated forays to the rim.Surely, Bryant's defense would have been a welcome sight for Left Coast fans. Other than the aforementioned defensive deficiencies, the Lakers stood toe-to-toe with the physical Celtics.Lamar Odom, Pau Gasol, and Andrew Bynum were dominant in the paint and Ron Artest played inspired basketball at both ends of the floor, providing key resistance to Paul Pierce, and making tough plays in the offensive game.In an even contest, the difference between a win and a loss hinged on a player who has built his reputation by succeeding in moments such as these.There is no guarantee that Bryant would have come through in the clutch where Fisher failed, but based on prior performances, I would be reluctant to bet against him and those are the moments in which he thrives.The Lakers have shown they have the will, the talent, and the passion to compete even without the services of Kobe Bryant, but every once in a while a quick dose of reality is needed.Los Angeles may seem to be a more precise team since Bryant has been out of the lineup, and the Lakers' stellar play the last four games could be used as evidence of that.The last time the Lakers played the Celtics, the end of the game Reebok Washington Redskins #98 ORAKPO Realtree camo Jersey
played out in much the same manner, and the difference in that contest was Kobe Bryant taking the last shot to win the game.So to those who claim to see a better team without Bryant, there are always reminders of the way greatness can affect the outcomes of games, and the Lakers could have benefited from that magic Thursday night.


9 Jan 11 With Jason Kidd Playing All Out, Dallas Mavericks Are Legit Contenders

Ronald Martinez/Getty ImagesIt official: the Mavericks won the Jason Kidd trade. The Nets, though they got promising young point guard Devin Harris, came out on the losing end.Now, if you know me, you know Ive been saying this pretty much since it went down. I was always in favor of the trade, because I Oakland Raiders jersey
didn think the Mavericks as constructed going into February 2008 could win a championship.But the problem was that the trade didn necessarily push the Mavericks over the top. Sure we got Jason Kidd, one of the best creators/distributors in the game, and he was going to make life easy for shooters like Josh Howard, Dirk Nowitzki and Jason Terry.But we all know what happened. Howard never really gelled with Kidd (which seems to be, in retrospect, Howard fault), the Mavericks were ousted in the first round in 2008 by the Hornets, and ousted in the second round by the Nuggets in 2009.That doesn speak to Jason Kidd and his abilities. After all, the success of distributors is only as good as the people around them. Jason Kidd does not have enough of an offensive game to carry a team in the respect.LeBron James is a great example. Part of his otherworldly gifts include a passer eye possessed by only the best basketball players. LeBron has a much better offensive game than Kidd, which is why he gone farther than Kidd has with the Mavericks.But LeBron also spent the 2007 Finals dishing the ball to Eric Snow and Larry Hughes, and wasn able to win a single game.Jason Kidd has had the fortune of passing to a great shooter like Dirk, but he also been passing to the hot-and-cold Terry, an unmotivated Howard and a lead-gloved Erick Dampier.But all of a sudden the Mavericks, energized by another February trade, are playing their best basketball of the season, and Jason Kidd is a huge reason behind it.One need not look farther than Kidd historic performance against the Atlanta Hawks Friday night, when he did something that only three others in NBA history had done (two of which are a couple of unknowns by the name of Larry Bird and Magic Johnson), getting a triple-fifteen, with 19 points, 17 assists and Philadelphia Eagles jersey
16 rebounds.Take a second to look at how incredible that is. Its amazing when people like Tim Duncan, Dwight Howard and Carlos Boozer snag 16 rebounds. A point guard doing it is almost unheard of.The numbers are something else from Kidd performance, but he also had one of those plays, one of those intangible plays that turns the momentum to your favor, and those plays are essential for a team battling on the road (which the Mavs were) and from a large, late deficit (which the Mavs were).Atlanta Coach Mike Woodson was on the court calling out a play for the team, and he lingered a little too long, and Kidd took advantage, creating contact and resulting in an automatic technical foul.Now people (particularly Hawks fans) took umbrage with Kidd maneuver, saying it was cheap, it was bending the rules, blah, blah, blah. All of it is stupid, and if you don think it was a fantastic play, youre just jealous that a player on your team didn use a move that like your team in a close game.For a full rebuttal on the criticism levies at Kidd, visit DallasBasketball.com.Since the All-Star break, Kidd numbers have gone way up, and the results can be seen in the Mavericks record since the break, where theyre 6-1.We know were going to get assists from Kidd, that what he was put on this earth to do. But his newfound scoring touch has really made the Mavs a team to be reckoned with.He has scored in double-digits every game since the All-Star break, which is absolutely HUGE for a team with the Mavericks, who have a lot of shooters.We saw it at the end of the Hawks game, where the defense was forced to start paying attention to Kidd along the perimeter, and as a result, players like Dirk, Terry, Haywood, Marion and in the future Caron Butler are going to be open.Kidd weakness in the scoring department allowed teams to leave him alone so they could double team someone else, but with Kidd hitting his shots, defenses aren going to leave him alone, freeing up the better offensive players on the Mavs for better looks.A Mavs team where Jason Kidd is an offensive weapon is a very dangerous team indeed.Weve seen what he Mavs can do against good teams, as their win streak includes wins over playoff teams like the Hawks, Lakers, Suns, Magic and Heat.The win over the Lakers was the first time Pittsburgh Steelers jersey
they've beaten them with Gasol playing. And the Mavs didn't have Butler.All of a sudden, the Mavs are looking like the team that no one wants to play in the first round. And with Jason Kidd playing the way he is and his teammates responding in kind, theyre right in being afraid.For my writing on the NBA's Southwest Division, check me out at Fan Huddle.


8 Jan 11 Buy or Sell: Thank the Schedule for Miami Heat's Hot March Start mlb jersey, nba jersey, nfl jersey, nhl jersey, soccer jersey

Chris Graythen/Getty ImagesThe Miami Heat began the month of March with a 6-1 record, and the team appeared to be making significant strides after back-to-back victories over the L.A. Lakers and Atlanta Hawks.After losing four in a row to end their February schedule, Miami began playing their best offensive stretch of the season. In their six wins in March, they're averaging over 107 points, well above the team's season average of 96.2.But in the middle of their two three-game winning streaks was an ugly 83-78 meltdown loss to the Seattle Seahawks jersey
Charlotte Bobcats. That was a game Miami was up by nine in the fourth quarter, before getting outscored 21-12 in the final period.The loss again raised season-long questions about the Heat's lack ofconsistency. Head coach Eric Spoelstra was againcriticizedfor his late-game rotation; Michael Beasley was left out of all but one minute of the fourth quarter.It seems this is the same story that's been coming out of Miami all season.But then the Heat won another three games in a row and the frustration of the fans temporarily came to a halt.Dwyane Wade looked like, well Dwyane Wade again. Quentin Richardson continued to shine from long-range, under the basket, and on defense. It appeared like the Heat really got a steal when they traded bench warmer Mark Blount for the well-traveled swingman.Jermaine O'Neal has been playing better as of late, and Carlos Arroyo has quelled any immediate issues at the point since the season-long suspension of Rafer Alston. Even James Jones made an impression in his relief of Dorell Wright; Wright was suspended two games following a DIU arrest last week.And then all that confidence that's been building, all the momentum that turned the Heat's way, it simply disappeared overnight.On Tuesday, Miami got embarrassed by the San Antonio Spurs in a 88-76 beatdown that was much worse than the box score would suggest.The Heat trailed by 15-20 points for most of the evening, entering the fourth quarter down 71-54. Beyond Wade, no one on the roster put up much of a fight.That's all that really needs to be said about the loss.The issue is bigger than that though. Was Tuesday's game a slip up or was the 6-1 start to March an anomaly?The victories over the Lakers and Hawks were impressive and shouldn't be discounted. But the Heat have a history of St. Louis Rams jersey
stepping up for big time games on occasion and then disappearing once the limelight fades.If you've followed this team recently, that much should be evident to you.Since beating the Lakers and Hawks, Miami lost to the Bobcats and then beat a Clippers team that's now lost eight in a row. After that, they beat a Bulls team that's also in the middle of an eight-game losing streak.Their last win was a 104-91 victory over the 76ers, who've gone 1-9 in their last 10. Then the Heat came back down to earth against the Spurs.From looking at the list, the soft schedule probably played a big role in Miami's recent surge up the Eastern Conference ladder. That andsimultaneousslumps by the Raptors and Bulls has the Heat sitting comfortably in playoff position.So while fans can be pleased about the way things have gone recentlydespite the no-show in Tuesday's game against San Antonioit must be taken with a grain of salt.Miami beat up on bad teams that were playing some of their worst basketball of the season. Yes, they also beat the Lakers and Hawks. But don't ignore that L.A. went on a three-game losing streakbeginningwith that loss, and Atlanta dropped two of their next three.The Heat caught them at the right time.In a 88-76 win to the Spurs sings closer to home than a 6-1 start to March. That's who Miami's Tennessee Titans jersey
been this season, and while the season draws to a close, it doesn't appear that will change.The Orlando Magic (47-21) come into town on Thursday. That game will go a long way toward proving which Heat team is the fraud.Is it the one that won six of seven, and six straight at home? Or the one that was down by 20 points for most of Tuesday night?Tune in and you'll get a better idea. After all, with the game on TNT, most of the country will get to see what's what.Follow Michael on Twitter here